
Welcome to the CHICO Common Application.

Simple proceed through the sections as identified by the tabs along the top and provide as much information as you can about your company.

When you get to the attachments portion you will be able to upload the document to a secure website.

Click here to print out the blank application so you can gather the information ahead of time, or just enter as you wish and come back as often as you need. What you have already entered will be waiting for you. Click here to print out the list of the documents you need to upload and locate them on your computer to make the upload process easier.

When you are done proceed to the Submit tab to print the application for your records, and then save the application as an XML file so you can always restore the information without having to re-enter it.

NOTE: if you need to fill out other prequalification’s, or have use for selected sections as a print out, simply click “View Selected Sections” and identify what sections you want printed. This one application can be used any number of ways, for any number of requirements without the need to re-enter the information.

If you have documents that are not specifically requested in the attachment section you can add them under the section “Other Attachments”. Simply identify what the document is and upload it. There is space for five documents. If you situation needs more flexibility, or more than fixe documents you can click here and create your own flexible file submission.

Click “submit” and either select your surety agent or “find me a surety agent”. Your agent will log in to the secure website and download the files you have provided and use the application you completed to provide you with the best surety program. Your broker will share this application, and be able to provide the uploaded files in a secure environment, with a wide range of surety markets all o which accept the CHICO Common App so that neither you nor your surety agent has to produce different applications for different surety companies.

After your submission has been received and your program is in place, you can either delete your submission or elect to have some or all of the information retained so that your company can be found by those searching for qualified contractors using CHICO Common Application. You control what is available and to who by going to Sub Info Connection using your Surety Connection log in.

© 2025 Surety Resource Connection